
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Why Christians are Persecuted in America

I know I haven't posted in a while and this post may ruffle some feathers, but it needs to be said. These things have been heavy on my heart and mind lately.

Many Christian leaders, activists and conservative politicians have complained of Christian persecution in America lately. They claim Christians are under fire for following Biblical teachings and being labeled bigots and ignorant because of it. Church attendance and the Christian church is also in decline. Christian leaders blame it on the media and the need for being politically correct in the ever-changing world of politics and society.

I blame Christians for the persecution. We are misunderstood and have twisted the Great Commandment. As Christians, we are called to LOVE. Recently our faith has been more defined by hate and its willingness to exclude certain people groups. Franklin Graham has called for Christians to boycott gay-friendly organizations. The church is forgiving of Josh Duggar's molestation, but shaming Caitlyn Jenner's transformation. (For the record, I find it detestable that both of these stories are celebrated in the news). These are just a few recent examples.

If we go back to the basic teachings of Jesus, He calls us to love God and love people. Love is sometimes inconvenient and hard, but Jesus still calls for us to love our brothers and sisters. This doesn't mean we condone their sin, but we love them THROUGH it. Jesus loved the adulterer. He loved the tax collector and the thief. He didn't shame them in public and toss them aside. He forgave their sins and accepted and loved them. As Christians and Jesus followers, we are called to do the same thing.

I am just as bad as anyone at this. Sometimes it's hard to love someone when you don't agree with how they're living. Sometimes it's easier to join the masses and say hurtful things about someone who doesn't follow your beliefs. If Christians want to change society's views of the church, then we need to change how we treat people! When we are portrayed as hating people instead of loving them, it's no wonder people are leaving the church and faith.

Instead of boycotting gay-friendly organizations or shaming transgender people, we should LOVE. Love always, never hate. People don't like Christians and the church because we use the Bible to solidify our hatred toward certain people groups. Never once did Jesus say to hate our gay brother and sister. Never once did Jesus tell us to mock transgender people. He ALWAYS told us to love. I, myself, am working on loving people daily. Honestly, it's hard to love some people, but it's worth it because it's what Jesus would do. I always want to portray Jesus in everything I do and say.

So what does this look like? I'm not asking Christians to put the Bible down and accept sinful nature. No, not that at all. Instead of using Bible verses to shut people down in hate, use the Bible as a way to rebuke sin and love the sinner. Remember the saying hate the sin, not the sinner? Yea, let's do that more often. Form a friendship with the lesbian couple living next door. Invite your gay friend to church. Ask a friend who is thinking about a sex change out to coffee and get to know him/her.

Believe me, I need to work on these things too. Writing this forced me to take a good look at my own heart and see where I've failed as a follower of Christ. Do I look like Jesus? Do I love like Him? Maybe the persecution against Christians in America will stop when we start looking more like Jesus and less like what we've made our faith into.

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