
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Turning Over a New Leaf

Hmmm how else do I put this? 2014 hasn't started out the way I thought it would.

My last post was full of so much hope and excitement for this year and I honestly thought it would be the best year yet. But instead, the first few weeks of 2014 have truly been the hardest weeks of my life. There have been changes that were unexpected and have honestly made me feel like I'm having a the age of 24 (almost 25). Quarter-life crisis, maybe?!

Probably the thing I was most excited about in 2014 was my budding relationship with my boyfriend. We had already made so many plans for the future and enjoyed being around each other as much as possible. Without divulging details, that relationship came to a screeching halt in late January with no warning. It was a complete shock to me and my heart still hasn't recovered. The Bible says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" (Proverbs 4:23). I tend to dive deep into relationships rather quickly and give it my all. I definitely need to be more guarded from now on.

Not too long after another change occurred, this time at work. My boss gave his two weeks notice the first part of February after taking a pastoral job at his church. While I am SUPER happy and excited for him, I was very sad to see him leave. He was, hands down, the best boss I have ever had. Never have I been able to go in my boss's office and talk about things we both share a passion for like I could with him. It was refreshing to have a job that didn't really feel like work.

After giving his notice, my job was up in the air because the church didn't know who they would hire or if I would have the opportunity to be promoted. At this time, I found myself in a place I never thought I would be in: A Baylor graduate with a 4.0 major GPA, fighting for a part-time job with no benefits and living paycheck to paycheck. After having a small panic attack, I put more pressure on myself as I waited to hear if they would promote a woman or hire from outside. To make a long story short, they hired someone from outside and I'm teaching him his new duties. After these changes, I needed a break to restore myself and have some fun!

I bought a plane ticket and flew to New Jersey to visit my best friend, Kate. This is where the title of this post comes in. She has also recently gone through some rough transitions. While out shopping in Princeton, we went into a jewelry store and decided to buy friendship rings. After trying on a few, we both loved a leaf style that wrapped around the finger.

After purchasing them, we declared the meaning as turning over a new leaf and starting over. We both need a fresh start and the girl's weekend was the perfect new beginning!! That weekend was such a refresher for my mind, spirit and heart!

Coming back to work last week was somewhat of a rough transition. There are still some hurt feelings there and I'm trying to get used to a new boss while also taking on more duties. Working for a church is no walk in the park. It is the hardest job I've ever had. Not the hardest task-wise, just the effects it has on my mind and spirituality. In my personal life, I'm turning over a new leaf by realizing what I deserve as a Godly woman and what I want for myself. Looking back, I realize that some of my passions were being pushed back and I can turn over a new leaf and dig even deeper into them. I'm trying not to worry about my quarter-life crisis and just let God take care of it. Easier said than done, right?! My mom said something that stuck with me this week:

"Why do we, as Christians, worry when we believe God is in control of all aspects
of our lives? No matter how many times I give it to God, I usually reach back for it one more time."

She's so right, especially for myself! No more worrying. I have to just give it to God and trust that everything is in control and where I am is part of the perfect plan for my life. Everything I have gone through so far in 2014 has a purpose and me worrying about it isn't going to change anything, except make me more stressed.

So it's time to do like my ring and turn over a new leaf!! Please be in prayer with/for me as I learn to surrender it all and trust completely.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think the symbolism of the rings will really help. I'm sorry to hear about your relationship... it's never an easy process to go through, but you'll emerge out the other side knowing things about yourself that you never knew before.

    At least you have a job, and you're building contacts and experience that will only ever help you out. Keep looking, and you never know what may turn up. Look towards the community relations and public affairs departments of many different organizations, and put your best foot forward. When you do, SHOW rather than TELL and you'll be surprised at the response. A useful tidbit my wife shared from her technical writing major. It worked for me!

    Good luck with everything, and we'll be here supporting you and wishing you all the best!
